Requeening a hive is a crucial beekeeping practice that ensures the health, productivity, and longevity of your colony. Whether your current queen is failing, aggressive, or simply aging, introducing a new queen can reinvigorate the hive. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of successfully requeening a hive.

Why Requeen a Hive?
A strong, productive queen is essential to a thriving bee colony. Here are some common reasons why beekeepers choose to requeen:
- Declining Egg Production – A queen’s egg-laying rate naturally decreases over time, leading to weaker colony growth.
- Aggressive Behavior – If your bees have become overly defensive, introducing a gentler queen can improve temperament.
- Poor Hive Performance – If the colony isn’t thriving despite favorable conditions, the queen may be at fault.
- Queenlessness – If the existing queen dies or disappears, a new queen must be introduced to prevent colony collapse.
- Varroa Mite Resistance – Some queens have better genetic resistance to pests and diseases.
When to Requeen a Hive
Timing is crucial when requeening a hive. The best times to requeen are:
- Spring and Early Summer – Colonies are naturally growing, making it easier for bees to accept a new queen.
- Late Summer/Early Fall – Ensures a strong, healthy colony before winter.
- Avoid Mid-Winter – Bees are less receptive to change, and introducing a new queen can be challenging.
Step-by-Step Guide to Requeening
1. Choose a Quality Queen
Select a mated queen from a reputable breeder. Options include:
Italian Queens – Gentle and productive.
Carniolan Queens – Good for colder climates.
Russian Queens – Naturally resistant to mites.
2. Locate and Remove the Old Queen
Carefully inspect the hive and identify the existing queen.
Remove her gently using tweezers or by placing her in a queen cage.
Some beekeepers opt for a queenless period of 24 hours before introducing the new queen.
3. Introduce the New Queen
Place the new queen in a queen introduction cage with candy plug.
Insert the cage between frames in the brood chamber.
Worker bees will gradually chew through the candy, releasing the queen.
4. Monitor the Hive’s Acceptance
Wait 3–7 days before inspecting the hive.
Look for signs of acceptance, such as workers calmly surrounding the queen instead of attacking.
If the queen is missing or killed, repeat the process with another queen.
5. Confirm Successful Requeening
After one to two weeks, check for new eggs and larvae.
Ensure the queen is active and laying a healthy brood pattern.
If needed, add a frame of eggs from another hive to encourage acceptance.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Rushing the Process – Bees need time to accept a new queen.
Introducing a Queen Too Soon – If bees are still loyal to the old queen, they may reject the new one.
Ignoring Hive Strength – Weak hives may struggle with requeening.
Not Checking for Queen Cells – If the hive is producing their own queen cells, they may reject the new queen.
Final Thoughts
Requeening a hive can significantly improve your colony’s health and productivity. By following these steps and monitoring the hive’s behavior, you’ll increase the likelihood of a successful transition. Happy beekeeping!